Acne help

Ugh I'm so tired of this. I'm 21 and still dealing with bad acne since I was like 12. It's so embarrassing and makes me so insecure to the point I try to put a little makeup on or hide my face around my boyfriend who I've been with for 4 year and have a child with. This is an idea of it, and few days ago I started breaking out on my chin and upper lip too. I have very deep black heads as well on my nose and chin. I try to and usually do wash my face twice a day with dial soap, I've been using witch hazel just spreading it around with a Cotten ball for a few weeks now, I've used tea tree oil. I drink more than enough water, I use bio oil as well for hydration. I just bought this Cleansing Charcoal & Probiotics Clay Mask from Sally's. My face is really sensitive so I have to be careful of what I use. It also seems whenever I use something it works for a little bit then stops working completely. I've tried everything and anything. I've been to the dermatologist before and both stuff they gave me made me break out more and really irritated my skin. This was when I was maybe 15? I haven't went since and I don't really have the extra money to go and afford what they prescribe, I'm sure. Does anyone have any tips/advice?! I know everyone's skin is different, but I'm just so tired this really like is ruining me.