Coming off the pill


I've been off the pill now for nearly 3 months still no luck with getting pregnant. I have had quite a lot of ups and downs on the pill it makes me sweat a lot at night time at one point a few years ago when I was on it, my eostrgen levels dropped that much it was the same levels and menopause stage ( I'm only 24) i stopped the pill years ago had normal periods after it. I had to go back on the pill nearly a year ago due to new partner and not wanting to get caught, so nearly 3 months of no pill periods are regular every month, I sweat at night badly when I'm due on or on my period, lately I've become very dry down there even during sex and I feel very down quite a lot of the time my moods different all the time. I've been getting pains for many years now during sex and after sex, I've been tested and everything came back clear I've had an operation to check for endometriosis and they couldn't see anything, I've recently just had a scan on my ovaries but they couldn't find out, I still get these awful pains. I'm very worried I won't be able to conceive as I have all these pains and my hormones seem to be everywhere. 😔