How much to feed to keep him asleep at night?


I'm somewhat new to formula feeding, we've been doing it for about 2 months. My son just turned 9 months. When we started, his pediatrician said 5-6 oz every 3-4 hours. He doesn't always finish his bottles so I started filling them to 7 oz. He still doesn't finish but at least he's getting more. He gets them every 4 hours. Any more frequently than that and he only drinks like half.

He's been sleeping through the night for a month now, but recently started waking up for a bottle between 1:00 and 5:00. He goes right back to sleep and pretty much finishes the bottle so I know he needs it.

But my problem is I have trouble getting him to finish all his daytime bottles as it is, so how can I give him enough during the day that he won't wake for a bottle anymore? Maybe more food during the day? He gets three meals and a snack (puffs). Anyone deal with this too?