Two weeks early!

Terri • SAHM to three year old Claire and one year old Josef. Our family is full ❤️
My precious little girl came into the world two weeks early.
I woke up at 2am and thought I peed myself, called my midwife. She told me to put on a pad and see what it's like in an hour, it was dry so I went back to bed.
Woke up and thought I should pack my hospital bag, so i went to the store to pick up comfy clothes and as I was walking around I was trickling so I knew something was happening.
Got a blow out because I knew I wouldn't want to wash and blow dry my my hair anytime soon and called back my midwife.
She told me to meet her at the hospital in an hour, called my husband he picked me up. Once I got to the hospital they did a check and thought that I had a small HSV lesion that the meds hadn't cleared up so I needed to have a c-section. It turned out later it was actually a cyst, and I will never forgive myself for not getting a second opinion. 
They had me in an OR an hour later and in 45 minutes I was wheeled into recovery holding my baby girl.
I was terrified of having a c-section but it went so smoothly, the pain was nil, I didn't even feel tugging. Recovery hasn't been easy but three days later and at home I'm able to walk about only taking otc pain pills.