9 month check up!!

Marisa • Momma to Rowan Maverick born 10-5-16 & Rhen Mason 11-28-18 💙

My son went to his 9 month check up today even though he'll be 10 months august 5th lol... he did so awesome! He was so happy waved to all the nurses and his doctor and said hi! He was in such a good mood even wanted his doctor to pick him up 😂 didn't even cry when he got his shot or his toe pricked when they checked his iron!! He is freaking 31 inches long!! I could not believe it! And about 23.5 lbs!! They told me he's in the 95th percentile! My SO and I don't get where he's getting this height from 😂 I'm only 5'2" and my SO is 5'8".. we're hoping he got my dad who is 6'5" genes since I definitely did not 😂 his doctor was incredibly pleased with how he's growing and his development! she said he is extremely smart and such a well behaved happy baby! My baby boy is getting so big! Makes me wanna cry!!