Experienced moms?! Vagina pain 33 weeks?


So yesterday and today: yesterday I was sitting on the front steps playing fetch w the dogs and I kinda just swayed from one butt cheek to the other and I gasped because of the shooting pain in my vagina when I rolled over it onto the other butt cheek. Literally felt like a bone out of place and pinched down on my perineal.

Today: sitting in bed my baby is moving tons! I can feel slight pressure in my vagina. I sit up and the sharp pain I had yesterday!

Have you ever accidentally heeled yourself in the vagina? (I did in a volleyball match once when I had a dig off a spike) Like your whole body just dropped super hard onto something and your vagina was the first thing to make contact with it.

Is my babys head low? My doc already told me he's head down. Is it just effacement? Is it just things more sensitive? I have no cramps or contractions.

Is this lightening crotch? I thought that was more of the cervix pressure like the scrape of the baby on the cervix. I feel that when I'm up and moving. This pain is when I sit right on my bottom