Our baby girl has arrived

I was induced at 41 weeks. Did the cytotec the night before which was just supposed to just ripen my cervix and then going to do the pitocin the next day. Well, the cytotec put me into full labor at only 1 cm dilated. 😖 Was having contractions every 2-3 minutes. Got a shot after a few hours to slow it down. I was able to deal with that until 4 cm then got an epidural which was a godsend. Not painful at all and I was able to move my legs. Right leg better than the left. 
The epidural killed the pain but I felt the contractions and was able to push just fine. The anesthesiologist did a wonderful job. 
Went in at 7 pm Wednesday night, started pill at 9 pm, she was born at 12:29pm Thursday 7/20 after 50 minutes of pushing.