He's here!! 👶🏻👶🏻❤️


Mason William was born on 7/27/17 at 8:04am!

8lbs 11 ounces 20 inches long

I had gone to the hospital about 4 times for contractions and was sent home everytime. I felt so stupid and told myself I wasn't going in until I really knew or I was holding him in my arms already 😂 On the 26th I was having contractions all day long but they weeent bad at all, I made dinner and everything fine. I went into work with my husband because the hospital is 1 min from his work. I tried to sleep in the backseat but couldn't because the contractions were getting worse but I told myself "this can't be it, just have to get through them" Then I had to go number 2 lol so my husband brought me into his work and I went but when I got up from the toilet I had the worst contraction ever, i screamed and I knew something was off. So when I go back into the car, I had another one and bam! My water broke all over the backseat. (Going to have to clean that later 🙄) If you could have seen my husbands face 😳 He clocked out and sped to the hospital. I needed a wheelchair the contractions were so bad! I got wheeled in and it felt like everyone was taking their sweet ass time. Asking me how I was doing, how the hell do you think I'm doing?! I stood up in the elevator for a contraction and the nurse said "we need to go" you need to shut up lol 😂 So when I got in the room I was 5-6 cm dilated at 3:30am. They wanted to monitor his heartbeat, fine, but she started pushing on my belly during a contraction and I told her it hurt and she pushed harder, so I yelled at her! Needless to say I had a different nurse lol. I got an IV because I tested positive for GBS. No problem, but then the lab person came in to take 6 viles of blood? Wtf? I'm in so much pain and you need blood??

Finally my midwife came in and talked to me. Meanwhile I'm squeezing my husbands hand blue haha. Couple hours went by and. She checked me and I was 9.5 cm dilated and during a push she just pushed the rest of my cervix around his head. By 7:50 I was pushing. I was on my back and it wasn't going anywhere so they hooked up a bar to my bed and I got into a sumo squat and pushes about 5 times and he was out. Contractions were definitely worse then pushing. I was bleeding a lot so they gave me a shot and then did something with my butt idk haha. I didn't tear at all and we're both perfectly fine. It's so surreal.