Finally Going Home


On July 24th I went to the local ER, because of what felt like relentless acid reflux/heartburn. I was told I may have gallstones. We had the option of staying for further testing, but my husband had to be up early in the morning for work. The next morning I saw my primary care physician who was alarmed at my blood work and urine results from the night before, and the fact I was looking jaundice. She then scheduled an appointment for me to see a general surgeon that day. They performed an ultrasound and found that my gallbladder was fully impacted with gallstones. I was then scheduled for emergency surgery the same day. I was released from the hospital the next day on the 25th. However, I ended up going back to the ER later that evening, and getting sent home. The next morning I got a call from the general surgeons office telling us to come back to the hospital, because my bilirubin levels were still high. They believed a gallstone was blocking one of my bile ducts. I had an MRI done and had to stay overnight at the hospital again. They did more blood work and my levels had gone down. They think I passed the stone on my own. I'm happy to be going home and to be with my baby again. I have missed her like crazy.