He's a BUM!

So my mom is letting a homeless man and his two sons stay with her because he goes to her church and he lost his job. He also used to do a lot of hardcore drugs. Today I was talking to my mom on the phone and I asked her if my younger sister was home alone with these boys. I then ask her what the father does all day while she's gone and she replied "I don't know...The other day he went to the apartment gym and worked out all day." then she got upset with me when I called the guy a bum. He's lived with her for the past month and has relied on help from other members of the church to find him a job...so he's basically sitting on his ass and mooching off my mom and taking advantage of her kindness while expecting a job to fall into his lap and going to the gym without looking for a job, himself. Excuse me, but I'm a very no-nonsense person who works hard 24/7 and if I own or have something, you're damn right I either earned it or worked my ass of for it. My mom still didn't see my point-of-view or even acknowledge it. I'm going to stay with her for a few days and I warned her that I would be staying in a hotel because it'd be hard for not  to say something to this man if I stayed under the same roof as him (I'm also the kind of person who likes to tell it like it is). Was I wrong for calling him a bum or does he sound like one to you?