Sleeping Frustrations😩


My little one is EBF still, also BLW (baby led weaning)...never used or liked a pacifier and throughout the night nurses to fall back to sleep. I don't mind it usually but he still gets up, most nights, every hour/hour and a half. And on nights when my husband is home, I feel resentment a little bit towards my husband. I get "sent" to bed with the baby while he stays up and does whatever until he's ready. I know if I asked him he would try and maybe lay down with the baby but as soon as he woke up I would need to go in there anyway to nurse him back to sleep. I work part time and I am NEVER alone. When I ask for any sort of a break I feel husband doesn't make me feel guilty but we've gotten into arguments a few times and he's said to me, "I wish I could sit at home and do nothing all day with the kids." Which he says he doesn't mean after, but I feel like if you're blurting it out then he must somewhat feel that way. And it REALLY hurts. Obviously I don't just sit around, we have two kids and I do ALL of the chores. AND work part time. He works 5 days a week, 4am to noon. Any advice for a tired and sad mama?🙁