Any advice?!?! I'm miserable!

Julianna • 23//Air Force wife and momma to a precious little boy

So I'm 27 weeks and I've had excruciating pain in my ribs and back on the right side since I was 17 weeks! It used to only happen a couple days a week or just whenever I sat too long but now I have it everyday and it just keeps getting worse.

I've asked two different doctors about it and the first said that it would probably just get worse and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it and if it wasn't growing pains that it could be my gallbladder but she was pretty sure it isn't my gallbladder. The other doctor told me that it might be my liver or I could have gallstones but he also thinks it's just growing pains and that I'm too young to have gallstones.

I'm having lab work done next week to see if it's gallstones or my liver but my doctors keep brushing it all off as just normal pain. This pain is honestly just excruciating and I've almost had my husband take me to the ER on multiple occasions because I couldn't even function so I'm not convinced it's normal.

Has anyone else had this happen to them? Was there a way to relieve the pain? Could it just be growing pains?