If you made more money working part time than working full time at your new job site which job would you choose?

I make more money working part time 25 per hour for 20 weeks in comparison to the stressful hospital environment my college degree is focused on. At my part time job I also had the luxury and free time to explore my other side career paths to my jewelry and snorkeling business. If I start working full time once I graduate I won't even make the same amount as I do working part time at my other job and won't even have the time to focus on my other side career paths that earn me 500 dollars or even more per week. I am also a lot more happier working my part time job. My health and enjoy having more time to spend and take care of my other half who works long 12 to sometimes 14 hour shifts in the military. With this new career path I will get home later than him and won't have as much time to spend with him. I feel bad if I gave up my career path because I spent money on my degree and for what to not use it.

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