Vaccines and rights?

I'm confused about some of the arguments for not getting vaccines, and Id actually really appreciate any help on trying to figure it out. 
If you don't get vaccines and insist that it's your right to do so and that if they become mandatory you'll find ways to get out of it, then why don't you see that that's what's going on with abortion? Except if you don't vaccinate you'll actually be affecting a large majority of people and risking your children's lives?
It just befuddles me. The people want to ban abortion but then turn around and say that a mandatory vaccination (Which vaccines exist to protect people) is against their beliefs. 
One is a personal thing that doesn't affect anyone and the other is preventing large scale outbursts of sickness. 
Ahhhh I just don't understand the thought process. It's just aggravating. 
"Oh it's not right to force me to vaccinate my children" but then they also go "it's completely okay to take away women's rights to safe abortions". I don't understand it. Maybe I'm thinkin too far into it...but I just don't understand how someone can be so double sided. 
I'm for mandatory vaccines by the way. The only reason that people in the US can afford not to get them is because everyone who has gotten them is saving their hide. 
I'm also pro choice. The two go against one another? I don't think so when your decision to not vaccinate could lead to the death of my baby. Whereas abortion only affects the woman involved.