6 weeks 2 days and no baby....

Brionna 💗

Soooo here's the full story.

I wasn't feeling right ? So I had went to Walmart and gotten pregnancy test. And I was honestly nervous and so was my boyfriend. We go to subway since it's on the way home and I was like Ima go in and pee on one stick because I really wanna know. So, I go in the bathroom I wait the three minutes and no fucking shit. There's 2 lines. The second one was faint. But it was a damn line. So. I was like shit I must have bought a bad pack well go get more tomorrow because there's no way I'm pregnant. So the days go by (we didn't get them the next day) and then we buy more a 4 pack or something. I pee on one AND THE LINE IS GETTING DARKER. And he's okay, like he doesn't mind and he loves me allot and I love him too... and so every morning for the next week I'm peeing on these damn tests. And they just keep getting darker ! Finally I got to a walk in clinic! Ava care. They were very friendly made sure I wasn't being abused and all that. And then I peed in a cup and they took it and waited. And I sat and talked with some doctors. And they come back in and I had my father and my boyfriend with me. And I asked I wanna know before they come in. And she told me yes but the line was very faint. (Like my pregnancy test the first time) but they gave me a whole packet and book and gift cards for everything ! And they scheduled my first ultra sound and they were gunna give me off to a obgyn.

So. I was really excited !? I was supposed to be about 6 weeks at my first ultra sound. And I wasn't the timing was off! And the gestational sac was kinda really tiny. So we pushed it back and I was now 5 weeks and one day. They wanted to do another u/s scan and We schedule it for this Next Thursday. And soooo

It's Thursday and I'm in there and the sac has grown SO MUCH. Went from a dime to a friking medium rock size. And there was nothing. They had shitty stuff for the ultra sound and mind you this thing was in my vagina and they were like we have to let it sit and pretty much focus so we can see if anything is there or starting. And sure enough there was a tiny yolk sac (they think and I'm praying) forming. But very faint and it would go in and out. But we couldn't see the baby. And they honestly were scaring me. I'm young still. I'll be a teen mom, and holy fuck I was just crying. Like a silent cry. And they left so I could change. And I have my first actually obgyn appt on the 10th of august. And they told me they would call and try to get it sooner. But i was reading how sometimes the baby takes a while to grow. And how sometimes it could be until 8 weeks. And that's why they usually wait till about 10 for a actual obgyn. But here I am getting dressed and crying to my boyfriend because we were prepared and we were expecting to see our little baby and hear maybe even a heart beat... but no. We had already told our family. And honestly. We now WANT A BABY. We've went through too much.

And please don't say I have a blighted ovem because I'm being very very hopeful and if I'm gunna have a miscarriage I will have it naturally. No dnc or medicine. I feel as if there's a baby in there, it's just taking time. And that's what I'm gunna give my baby. Time. I will refuse to do a dnc and to take me since to induce a miscarriage because some women's baby's don't show until later. And I'm praying that's me...

I will keep you guys posted. And I'm sorry it's suuuupppeeerrr long. Just had to throw my story out there.

If you have ANYTHING SIMILAR please leave a comment!

(My emotions are all over the place lol)