


One of my best friends is having two babies before I even have one. She has 3 all together. Had one before we really even became friends. She got pregnant (tried for 7 months) when I started trying so it didn't bother me too bad cause I just started out. Well this 3rd baby wasn't planned and she waited to tell me cause she didn't want to upset me. So she's having two babies in the 3 year time frame that I have been trying for one. It sucks and I wish I didnt feel this way😢 any advice? Also, my husband and I are considered unexplained infertility, all testing was normal.

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Posted at
I feel the exact same way. This GIF is me when I see other people jealous of 🤰🏼 lol
I feel the exact same way. This GIF is me when I see other people jealous of 🤰🏼 lol


Posted at
Have you guys tried treatment at all?


Trinady • Jul 29, 2017
Very welcome, its no easy road but it will be worth it


sara • Jul 28, 2017
Thank you! I try to tell myself that but sometimes it just gets to me


Trinady • Jul 28, 2017
well hopefully IUI will be your answer. Dont become envious or discouraged by someone elses life. Everyone journey is different. Your journey os designed just for you