Help! Period or no?


Okay. TMI warning ahead....

Regular periods. Usually heavy flow the first day. Then tapers off slowly over the following 6 to 7 days. Some mild back cramps and moodiness usually remind me AF is coming.

June period was the 18th-26th. I had unprotected sex June 28th, July 10th and again on the 14th. AF was due to arrive July 21st-22nd. Never had any back cramps.

However on the 22nd I had an ever so slight twitch in my lower left abdomen. Did not hurt. But I was able to notice the feeling.

On the 22nd of July I had thought I started my period. I went to wipe and saw a tad bit of bright red blood. So, I put a pad in. Then it turned to brown next trip to the bathroom. Barely enough to see on the pad. But enough to see when I wiped.

July 23rd. Again, nothing on the pad. Only when I wiped. Brown. Again! Same thing but lighter on the 24th.

By the 25th is was completely gone. No sign of AF.

Today is now the 29th. Still nothing. But, I have noticed during this time I have been overly hungry, tired, much more frequent headaches and extra emotional.

No, I have not tested yet. (Too scared and too many BFN'S in the past) I have never had a "period" like this. I have maybe been a day or two most.

I just wanted to come here and ask you ladies what you thought. Any ideas? Experiences? Should I wait until next month to see if that period comes? Would you consider this an actual period? Thank you in advance!