Endometriosis and trying to get pregnant


Hi there, Ive been suffering with stage 4 endometriosis and polycystic ovaries for 13 years now it has gradually got worse over the years. On Monday I go for my 3rd laparoscopy which is going to be a lot more extensive that the others as I will be having a uteric stent fitted and my tubes flushed. It has been a really tough journey thus far as we have been trying to get pregnant for over 2 years now. I am really hoping this is the last op and this surgery will clear the path to pregnancy for my husband and I.

So I guess I am just writing on here as it's a hard thing to talk about, it's not very well understood and can be overlooked easily. I have been on tramadol and cocodamol for years now and it begins to take its toll after a while, I am hoping that it will not be permanent. I have seen so many wonderful success stories on here and it's so heartwarming to see so many people pushing through and getting their little miracle.

So, wish me luck on my journey and big love to all of you wonderful ladies. X