Spotting 2 days after sex

Effy. • 24. 🥀

Hi ladies. I'm 21, and I'm freaking out a little bit. I had protected (condom) sex 2 days ago with my new boyfriend. And I just finished my menstrual cycle 4 days ago as well. This is the 2nd time we had sex, the first one was 2 weeks ago, but I don't know if this is relevant, but before we did, My last intercourse with someone was 4 months ago. So I just saw two drops of spotting on my pantyliner today. I'm freakin out because what does it mean? I have experienced this last February when I had sex with someone again after 8 months maybe and I think it came along with my UTI. So now I don't know what this means. But the same night I had sex 2 days ago, my vagina was sore because we took too long and it hurt a little bit peeing. I took some ascorbic acid (like maybe 5 for that day) and drank water. If any questions regarding this issue, I'd be fine to add up. I need help, I'm kinda freakin out.