before missed period?


i'm kinda lowkey hoping i'm pregnant.. but idk if these r just regular cycle things happening .

my last period was on july 5th so it should be coming on or before aug 5th .

so i cramped a little tinyyy bit and then i had like a little bit of blood, which i've never been pregnant so i don't know if it's implantation /-:

but i've also never had spotting during a regular cycle .

i've been having really bad acne which ive been blessed enough to have never experienced breakouts in my life , so thats new.

my cervix is kinda high up right now.

i've had like 3 instances where i get dizzy.

i'm having white discharge but i can't tell if it's just a regular thing or pregnancy .

i've been takin a lot of naps lately.

and i've been kinda angry lol😂

and i've had heartburn recently.

but i was sick for a day and i heard for some reason that can be a pregnancy thing .

i'm eating normally though,

i don't feel nauseous,

and my boobs don't hurt ??

IDK if y'all have been pregnant what do u think ??