
So I have a doctor's appointment in a few days, but I need help in what to do..

I swear I'm pregnant. Swear. I got this line on my belly that shouldn't be there unless I'm half way through, my pireod has been normal since the day I started as a 11 y o and since February it has been really really weird. I never know if I'll get my pireod or not, and when o do I don't feel like it's my pireod. Now some say, tell the doctor. Well I have and they act like I'm crazy.

When my sister was pregnant with my nephew no one believed her. She couldn't get a possitive preg test and she was bleeding. But at five months she lost one of the twins and kept the other. I try telling them that but still they don't listen. Like my family has always had problems, it's in the family so why don't you just give me a blood test?! Or ultrasound? No one believes me. What do you girls think