is it just me?


ok so am I the only one that gets irritated at their partner when they can't comfort you when you're feeling crappy, stressed and uncomfortable, because they feel like you don't think they feel the same way EQUALLY or worst that they can't get you knocked up. I love my husband, but he doesn't have to take pills every day that makes him feel like crap. he's not the one who has all these changes going on in theire body. I understand that it is hard to be the partner and not be able to make their women happy. its stressful I can only imagine being on the other side of this. it just when he wines to me that I don't take into consideration on how he is feeling he acts like a baby. I'm trying to have a baby not take care of a thirty two year-old. I can't or an unable to be strong for the both of us and I'm trying to take care of my inner self. its hard and I don't know what to say or do to help him understand? help please any suggestions