Our Birth story


Well I had a normal day at work but noticed I was leaking a bit more then usual. As I stood up for a bathroom break I noticed a pretty good amount leaked out so away to the hospital I went.

The nurse confirmed that the fluid was in fact amniotic fluid which was reassuring as I was afraid I was peeing myself.

My ob of course was on vacation so the one on call introduced herself and stated that since my water broke and I was only 2 cm dilated she would start me on a low dose of pitocin to speed things up so there would be no risk of infection.

As the contractions got worse I requested an epidural. While the anesthesiologist was placing the needle in my back my husband my husband leaned away from me mumbled something and passed out, luckily he came to fast, poor guy. Unfortunately the epidural only worked on half my body and after multiple attempts to get it to work the anesthesiologist redid the the whole thing which worked like a champ.

Fast forward a couple hours my ob confirmed that I had finally dilated 8-9 cm. She stated we would give baby plenty of time to move into the birth canal before we started pushing. About an hour later the nurse checked and said she could feel his head full of hair about an inch out so she called for the ob.

After lots of pushing and getting baby close to crowning a nurse noticed my iv needle

was dripping and basically i had been pushing without any contractions.

My ob decided to give me a break as my epidural had wore off and I was exhausted.

She gave me the option of more pitocin or using the vacuum.

We decided for more pitocin and after suffering through more contractions they set me up to start pushing again. As I am pushing and failing to get his head out babies heart rate drops and my ob looks at me and says " At this point I have to give you the option of c section or episiotomy" I stated episiotomy.

She snipped me and as I pushed she used the vacuum to help me get baby boy out finally!

It was an awful experience but as I am holding my precious healthy boy I know it was all worth it 💙



