What's your first period story???

Steela • Hi, my name is Stela I'm 16❤️❤️

Here's mine....

I was 10,at Halloween 👻 I went to school than I went back home and saw brown things in my underwear like it was poop 💩 than I called my mom she saw it than she said "did you poop your self" lol 😂 I said "mom I'm 20 years old I'm going to turn 11 in like 2 months sure I pooped myself" Than she started laughing 😂 and said "ok wash your underwear with cold water" than I did..... than I went trick or treating with my friends and had a awesome time....... I went back home and I wanted to pee than I did but I saw that brown thing AGAIN than I told my mom and she said " Do you know what a period is"??? Than I said "yes" and she said "well now you have it" and i was like ok now what do I do than she gave me a pany liner and I washed my underwear with COLD water and than I got blood a few months later and when I first got it I was so happy idk why 😂 now I wish that day never came😩😩 and my period was eregular it would go for 2 month and comeback and go for 2 weeks than it came on New Year's Day!!!!!!!! Comment if you want me to tell you that story!!!!!! Now your turn tell me your story make sure you put the date,year,month,where were you and who did you tell first byeeeeee💋👋🏽😘😘