Do you ever want something new?


Sooo this isn't a post about wanting a new man. Ha. Although there are days mine drives me nuts... ha.

Does anyone else every want a new ring? My husband bought mine five years ago and we were in a completely different place- emotionally, financially, mentally, in every way possible. I love my ring, don't get me wrong. But... things have changed, including my taste and sometimes I just want a simple solitaire ring to wear. I love how timeless and classy a solitaire is, how simple yet beautiful.

I feel greedy for this, but I truly don't need a diamond. It can be moissanite or something else that's beautiful and relatively inexpensive.

Am I greedy for this? Our bills are paid, we save a lot of money, live comfortably, don't have debt, and my husband buys new "toys" (gaming stuff, electronics, etc) all the time for himself. I just don't know if he'd feel bad if I brought it up.

*the ring he got me is a ring I saw online one day while looking at grad rings. We went to the jewelry store to look at the grad ring I liked and I showed him this ring while we were there. He ended up buying it without me knowing and proposing a few weeks later 😍

Here's my beautiful ring and band. Again, I love it. Sometimes I would just love a simple solitaire to wear.