Cervix Removal...

Hi ladies, I really don't know how to begin so I'll get to the point. I have to have surgery to get my cervix removed 😢 I'm so heartbroken about it this means I can't have anymore babies. I do have to handsome and very smart little boy's ages 3 and 4. Last year I went in for a pap and it came back abnormal, there were precancerous cells found on my cervix. I had leep procedure done and I thought for sure I would be just fine after that. After having that done I now have to get a pap every six month's to make sure they don't come back. I just had another pap done in June and again it was abnormal (exactly one year later) the precancer cells I'm told are much worse and another leep procedure won't help me this time around. My OB started off by asking if I had planned on having more babies and I said Yes just not anytime soon. He responded with Well what are you waiting for??? Then he told me the bad news... I started crying he then says if you're going to have more it needs to be NOW before it's to late. So currently I'm TTC and praying I'm blessed with one more baby. Not only am I'm down about not being able to have anymore babies but also about my sex life... WTFF! Why me??? ! Do any of you know someone who's been through this? I'm so sacred I need some positivity right about now