Anyone wish their husbands realized...

How much work having an 8 month old baby, breastfeeding, making meals and dealing with my 2 stepsons all day makes me a tired mama and then you want me to have extra energy to have sex with you? Meanwhile I have no time to myself, yet you complain how tired you are when all you do is "just work" all day. I don't get any alone time and I need time to recharge my batteries too. Yet when you get home you leave me to do everything still and no matter how many talks, arguments, or fights about this it is always the same. I know you're a good man but damn learn to realize I can only do so much. Just tired. I wish men understood more. I wish for just once they could have a baby and breastfeed so I could say see? It's energy draining.

*we don't have the money for day camp or even baby sitters. The boys mom doesn't even pay the child support she's supposed to. I stay at home so I can be with my daughter. But it doesn't mean what I do isn't hard.

Just needed to vent.