Need help ladies

Elizabeth • Mommy of one beautiful girl, and twin boys (:
I know this isn't the appropriate place to ask, but I need quick responses. My child has never been sick. Not a single cold, nothing. Only time she had a fever, was after the first set of vaccines. And it quickly went away. Well, my 20 month old is a horrible sleeper. She wakes up at least 4 times a night. It's been like this since she was 6 months old. She does not nap longer than an hour a day. She is a very happy child. Very hyper. Today, she has been cranky. Overly cranky, wanting me to hold her, but also, still was quite hyper. Well, she has been asleep since 6 tonight, and it's 9 now. She got up an hour ago and was so loopy when she came over to sit next to me. She immediatly fell asleep when she sat next to me. I have tried waking her up to eat dinner and to give her a bath. She has looked at me, aknowledged me, but goes right back to sleep. She does not have a fever. I don't know what to do. I am waiting for my husband to get home to see if she wakes up for him. I don't know if I should take her in to be seen, or am I overreacting? Did she just reach a breaking point of being tired? I really don't know what to do. By the way, the doctor before was going to try to figure out why she doesn't want to sleep, but then they suddenly changed her doctor, and her response to it all 'I baby her to much and need to let her become independent more'. This doctor is a joke. Told me kids don't dream so her waking up screaming in the middle of the night is just for attention. Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but it's just not like her to sleep this much.