My SO is more excited about being a dad than being my partner

We just had our baby boy about a year ago and ever since he's become a dad, he is all about it, especially since our baby boy came out looking like him....Now before anything, I ❤❤❤ that fact that he loves being a dad and of course me as well being a FTM. But here's the issue, he has put me aside💔 He doesn't show afficition towards me (only during sex). And when I ask him to be more affectionate he responded by "this is how I am". but I see how he is with our baby and he is the complete opposite. Just the other day( forgot what we were talking about) & he straight out told me," You know your second and the baby is first, he has my heart now" "You know I will choose him over you"....For some reason I got a bit sad. As for me....I also will choose my baby over him BUT because thats how he wanted it. If it was up to me it would be MUTUAL. Both will be first in my life.

idk what to think anymore. I just feel like I'm not important to him.