Period 2 weeks late and feel pregnant?!

My last period was June 11th-16th. I would consider myself irregular since I've struggled with it for years but just recently this year I've become more regular with a cycle of 30-35 days. I am now about 2 weeks late for my period, with all negative tests. I have shown many symptoms, including very light brown spotting 2-3 days when my period was due, light cramping, complete loss of appetite (I've lost 7 pounds!), dull backaches throughout the day, headaches, and nausea throughout the day!

I've honestly never felt like this before in my life and every time I get a negative test I try to forget about it and say okay well obviously I should start my period soon, but then I have a day where symptoms are so noticeable I think I have to be pregnant!

Any advice for me? I know I should see my doctor, I just honestly feel crazy because I am convinced something is up but all test show negative. Has this happened to anyone else and you were actually pregnant?