invalid, or positive pregnancy test?

my husband and I have been using condoms for birth control for several months since I got off my depo shot in March. This past Saturday my period was late so I took a cheap test from walmart, I waited about 5 minutes and nothing ever showed up so I figured it was invalid and threw it out. Today, monday, I was throwing out the trash and noticed the test had two lines on it. They weren't faint pink lines either, they were actually pretty bright. I'm just wondering if anyone has had this happen before? Should I disregard the test as invalid since nothing at all showed up at first? Usually, immediately the control line shows up. I want to add when we found out I was pregnant with our daughter, who is now 2, the test was negative, but the next day noticed it showed positive. We've already got 3 littles, so I'm in the middle of freaking out right now trying to wrap my head around possibly having 4.