Possibly pregnant??

Elizabeth • My other name is “mama”🌿

Anyone else experience horrible cramping and extreme moodiness 2WEEKS before they are suppose to get their period? I woke up in the middle of the night last night with horrible cramps😢 I've been craving spicy spicy foods like I did when I was pregnant with my daughter and I've been so exhausted even after several cups of coffee😭 maybe I'm overthinking lol maybe not🤷🏼‍♀️ my boyfriend keeps saying "your pregnant... your pregnant!" And I'm just like "nooooooo I can't be"

Also my daughter has been doing this baby pose that I have had several people tell me your baby does that pose when your pregnant..... Should i be taking a test later today or should I just wait if I missed my period? I hate not knowing😭😭😭