Can you give a toddler sangria


tl;dr friend came over and gave her daughter some sangria and kinda freaked me out.

So, we had two other couple friends over the other day and one brought us a bottle of sangria. That one in the polka dot bottles you see at whole foods. So we pop it open for the table, but my husband and I didn't have any because I'd made lemonade and he was supporting my effort. But my friend pours a small glass, maybe 2 oz, for her 18 month old daughter. And I was super surprised because I was pretty sure it had alcohol in it and wasn't a fancy fruit juice. So I ask, and she just said, "Oh it's like barely any alcohol, it's fine, she likes it." And I just don't know what to make of it.

I've always been a bit paranoid about alcohol and pregnancy, probably more than I need to be. Like, I won't eat meet braised in red wine. With trying to get pregnant and pregnancy and breastfeeding, I probably haven't had a drink in three years.

Anyways, just wondering if I'm being overly protective? Anyone else share my views? Or think I'm being a controlling crazy lady? xD

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