don't like being a mother

does anyone else feel like they don't like being a mom. since i was little all I ever wanted was to be a mom. I would literally print out craft ideas for kids and fun snack ideas and save them in a folder for when i had kids in the future. so when my husband and i got pregnant, even though we weren't planning it so we were a little nervous, after it settled in i was happier than i thought i could ever be. then the baby came and it was hard and i was tired and frustrated but loved him more than anything and would even miss him during naps. but the longer that time has passed the more and more i'm feeling down. i don't have mom friends. all the ones i meet around my town don't seem to click with me and we end up chatting for a little while and then that's it. my actual friends don't understand that i can't do the same things we used to do so i never see them. and it's not even that i want to "go out", its just that i spend most days alone with my baby and i miss actual human interaction. my husband and i seem to have lost all sense of closeness and intimacy and spend a lot of our time arguing over nothing. i had very bad granulation tissue and cysts that developed where my stitches were and basically we have barely been able to have sex anymore because of how badly it hurts. i still try to meet his needs but my sex drive seems non existent so even when i'm doing that, i just feel like i'm doing a job or a chore. also i'm the only one who wakes up early with the baby because my husband is either up early for work or sleeping in because he worked really late the night before. but i can't seem to sleep anymore so i'll be up until 3 or 4 and then have to wake up again at 7 or 8 when the baby is up. i feel like i'm literally getting less attached to him. i still love him and don't feel like i want to hurt him or stop caring for him but sometimes i just feel like i want to give him to my mom and just leave for a day. and it kills me that i even feel that way. i thought this was what i wanted... but i just feel so depressed with the whole thing. i know, everyone is just going to say to get over it, life isn't about you once you have a baby. and i will. i will ignore all of these feelings and force myself to shower my baby with love and attention even when i feel like i just want him to leave me alone, but i guess i just wanted to vent somewhere anonymously.