

So I know we are supposed to avoid NSAIDs because they mess with ovulation. How important is it to be perfect about this?

I sprained my hip on Monday, took ibuprofen that day because the pain was so intense it wasn't really an option (also went home early from work). Weaned off it on Tuesday, no Ibu yesterday. Without Ibu the soreness is still pretty strong. I can't work out and BDing is less adventurous than usual and more of a chore.

I know exercise is important too, and I'm getting virtually none. Wondering if I'm focusing on the wrong priority, and should take the Ibu to make sure I can get my blood flowing? Thoughts?

Also, I have a generally high pain tolerance and am pretty dumb about this stuff. Two summers ago I cruised around 9 weeks (and 100+ holes of golf) on a broken ankle. So I have reason to believe my injury is legit.