Menogon ( HMG) 8 injections + 1 hCG


Hi Ladies

I got my first ever AF at 13yo. I was struggling with abnormal long menses. I could actually heavily bleed for 2 weeks straight. So Dr put me on dufaston ( progesterone), saying that I will have problems with getting pregnant ( the phrase that still bouncing in my head 13 years latter and that probably changed my perception of life..).

Bleeding stoped and since then I have very long cycles. At age 15 I was diagnosed with PCOS but never until now I actually understood the problem ( not heavily overweight, only some acne and hair loss..)

So now we've been TTC for over a year. First six months I've tried the progesterone support again. Now I've live in the other country and so I've found a new doctor. We've tried clomid for one month. After he prescribed Menogon injections, which is actually a Follicle Stimulating Hormone(FSH) and plus one hCG shot.

But the main problem is that He is one of this doctors, who are highly qualified but don't explain nothing at all.

During the last appointment I've got pretty scared when I sow the amount of my "pearls" in ovaries. One of them was over 2 cm! I'm afraid my ovary can simply blow up, if it would be possible.

Due to this medication Im constantly tired, I actually feel how follicles are walking back and forth in my ovaries, I gain weight and can't lose it even on the diet. I don't quite see the end of this battle and it's not that I'm stressing to much, it's just I don't now where to go...

Dr is not a supporter of opk and basal temp.method ( they might stress me too much); of a low - carb diet ( I'm not a usual pcos, since my labs are ok). He's endocrinologist and always takes my blood, I guess that's the way he checks on me. But still, my mind goes bananas, I need to be able to control the situation..

So now I have a dilemma, ether to change him, or to continue to believe..

P.S. I have also the other doctor who recommends simply to do a laparoscopic ovarian drilling. Did you hear something about that?