Could this really be happening?????😲😲😲

I've been trying not to symptom spot this month but it doesn't seem to be working. I'm super tired and nauseous, backaches more than normal, sore, heavy breasts, frequent urination, headache like every day, all day, have horrible mood swings, mild like barely noticeable cramping that just feels like sore muscles in my lower abdomen, I've been running a fever for the last week and a half, been super sensitive to smells, hot flashes, my nipples are driving me crazy, they itch and hurt at the same time, and I've had all kinds of people telling me to take a test. I haven't missed my period yet and this app said I'd be starting today. Ovia said on the 5th. Would a test show + 2 days b4 missed period?? I'm only 12 DPO today.