Am I too attached to baby?

I know... to each their own, but - Baby girl will be turning one in a few weeks. The most time I've spent away from her is maybe 5 hours. This Saturday is my best friend's bachelorette party and its pretty much an all day event. I'm the maid of honor and in charge of most everything, so I'm not really keen on leaving the party early (it was not my choice for it to be such a long day). Anyway, while I love my bff to death and am looking forward to the festivities, I'm having anxiety about leaving my baby all day. I know other mom's who work, go out on weekends, travel outside of the country without their babies, etc. Not to criticize them, but I don't know how they do it! The few times that I've spent away from my daughter have been kind of difficult for me and I'm always in a rush to get back to her. Is this odd? Am I a weirdo mom?