Working mums part time term time

I have been looking for work for the past 7 months as well as running my own business at home.  
I have found that a good majority of company's or potential employers refuse to employ mums who want the school hours.  
Some ladies who are raising their babies on their own cant always afford after school child care and have no family (like me) so we are restricted to school hours.  My SO has thrown in the "oh you shouldn't of have kids then etc" I think that's a bit unfair, because it's not like I am sat at home watching Jez Kyle all day, I am out actively seeking work.  I don't think mums should be penalised for having children, ok I know employers are not obliged to employ mums but ffs can't somebody give us a break!
What's everybody's thoughts on this? I have zero family where I live to help out and if I did I wouldn't ask, they're my children and I chose to have them, but there has got to be something out there!