For real??


My husband and I TTC for 2yrs, had all the tests, took all the meds and shots, and nothing, not even a scare! We decided our life was fine the way it was and stopped 2 months ago. I am late, by a few days, which isn't uncommon but, I feel like poop! I've been craving specific foods and I'm exhausted. He deploys in 2wks, school is about to start and we are waiting to see if we get the school we want or if we have to continue to go private (The public schools here are horrible, we want this tiny one outside of town). We have court tomorrow for custody related to my oldest. I own a business and business has been picking up and I teach on the side! I just think God might be laughing. Like he's saying " Oh you just thought your plate was full, how about now?" lol. I'll test Satuday if AF continues to no show. I know it could be stress making me late so I haven't said anything to my husband yet.