Dear Lord ❤️❤️

Lord, when she opens up her Facebook and sees another pregnancy announcement..and then another..and another..guard her soul from the heartache that might overwhelm her emotions of jealousy that might drag her down and cause her to feel like a horrible person. Give her the strength to hold on to hope and faith to believe she is next. Because in that moment? She will want to give up. And yes she will feel forgotten. Left out. Abandoned. Overlooked. Remind her in some tangible way that You are working and the desires you have planted in the soft fertile soil of her heart, You will one day have growing in her arms. Do the impossible in your situation, Lord. Open wombs. Clear out Fallopian tubes. Remove cysts. Mature and release eggs. Command all chromosome abnormalities to disappear. Open the doors for adoptions. Remove any obstacle standing in her way that is keeping her from being able to make that same announcement. It's in Your name I pray. 💗

I also want to thank my husband for standing by my side no matter what. There's no one else I'd rather want by my side than him. ❤️