Symptoms of Pregnancy?


Long story short: I miscarried back on March 17th at (estimatedly) 1 month pregnant. That same day after going to the hospital I got my depo shot, and got another shot back on June 18th, but not injected in the right arm like it usually is (it was given in the left arm, not that it really makes a difference I suppose). It's been over a month now since my most recent Depo Shot and I'm having:

•serious waves of nausea randomly every other day.

•Headaches are becoming an everyday thing now from the time I wake up... WTF?

•more emotional/sensitive than usual

•excessive tiredness (I yawned all day at work today and on other days, even though I get a full nights sleep)

•I'm always hungry for random foods now. No idea why? I want normal foods but just have random "I'm hungry for this!" cravings.

•I'm starting to turn away from smells that normally don't bother me. If it smells bad to me, I'm out of the room or turning away.

•Peeing Frequently but not like before.

•weight gain this last month, but I figured I'm just gaining weight from depo or eating or something..

I don't have these symptoms while I'm on my shot either... they just appeared out of nowhere and have been persistent the last week or so. Last time when I was pregnant before I miscarried I was just peeing very frequently in the morning (7-8 AM is an unusual time for me to be awake since I work night shift) and slightly nauseous... I got pregnant because I had missed my depo shot I was supposed to get in February and having regular sex with my boyfriend...

I told my boyfriend about my symptoms and he jokes (I hope) that I'm pregnant again, seemingly more okay with it than he had been back in March.

I'd really just like to know what's going on with my body. Am I not getting enough sleep? Do I need to change up my diet? IS IT POSSIBLE AM I PREGNANT? Can someone please make sense of this that might not lean towards pregnancy??? I'm still in college and we are saving for a home. A baby is welcome but certainly wasn't part of "the plan" just yet...

Also on a side note: I'm spotting on and off all the time since I began depo over a year ago so my period is unreliable about telling me anything.