Another long week 😑


Long post sorry

Monday: I reversed into a ladies car

Tuesday: car claim and organised to get fixed and meeting at work

Wednesday: SO 1st doctor appointment

Thursday: SO 2rd doctor appointment, car in again for repairs, just have to wait for ladies repair bill to see what insurance will pay and what I pay.

Friday: housework so far it's only 1pm

My SO has grout in his right ankle and started medication to treat it two days ago. Doctor said to keep ankle elevated etc. is there anything else I can do to help it go away faster?

Housework is falling behind 😔 not a good week. first I hit a ladies car with mine no one hurt I was shaken because I thought I was passed her car, then SO told he has had grout so two doctor appointments.

A meeting at work where my boss is giving me two contacts to pick one from (I haven't worked since 18th April 2017). I picked the one where I will get the same pay as my current contract and she wasn't me to pick the other one where I will lose over $80 in pay and when your the main bread winner in the house it means a big deal. My boss said it's unfair to everyone else if I pick the first one but she won't make up the hours on the second contract so I don't lose pay. Union rules say when coming back off maternity leave or unpaid sick leave

And when I asked why I can't stay on my current contract she won't answer me. 😡 and she wonders why I don't want to talk to her. It's hard to talk to and trust your boss when she won't give you answers or tells you a lie or talks a store manager from another store.

Iv been trying to get out of her department since I got my BFP in November 2016 and wanted out for the pregnancy but she wouldn't even transfer me with someone until I was on maternity leave.

So the housework is slowly getting done tho I'm watching the news reruns and on Glow. I really should just get it done as have 3 sisters and one of there partners coming around for board game night.

Our brother and his wife aren't invited (they can come around anytime we are in their rental house and they have a spare key) because he is finishing DIY his bathroom and his wife is 5 days past due date. Mum has told her keep your legs crossed on Monday said you can go any other day lol mum's birthday is Monday 7th August and she wants the grand baby to have their own day. Our brother and younger sister are 8years apart but born on the same day and our youngest sister is the day later 10years younger the brother. I was due with our son on the 8th August I'm secretly hoping she doesn't have baby then but know I will be ok if she does. I lost our daughter on her birthday in 2015.