Implantation bleeding, ovulation, or af? TMI


Ok. So. I was on progestin only mini pill since April. I bled lightly for nearly four months and was prescribed provera for ten days. I started my period on the 19th of July so I stopped my bc and started the provera on the 26th I'm on my tenth day and yesterday evening I noticed extremely light spotting that went away. And hasn't come back yet. I also spent the entire first part of the day vomiting bile. I know it wouldn't be morning sickness yet anyway lol just a symptom among others like light cramping and tender breasts. I was supposed to ovulate yesterday or the day before. Is it possible that i ovulated early and that was implantation bleeding? Or was it ovulation bleeding? It hasn't come back so I'm not sure if it would be af either. Has anyone else experienced this? What was your outcome?