When can I try again?

Autumn • Mom. Wife. OB Nurse. Wishing for a rainbow 🌈

Hi ladies. I found out out last weekend that I was pregnant with our second child. I had my IUD removed on May 1st after having it in for five years and we weren't expecting a BFP so quickly; we assumed it would take a few more months. Regardless, we were obviously over the moon. I had symptoms with this one that I didn't when I was pregnant with our son; sore breasts, nausea, food aversions...all good signs. But then in my "I can't believe it" mind, I decided to take another test. Negative. And then another. Faint. And another a few days later. Even more faint. That's when I began to question whether this would be a viable pregnancy. My close friends and husband chalked it up to me being a high risk OB nurse and that I was just anxious because I "knew too much."

At work Monday I asked my doctor if she could draw a beta hcg and progesterone level and she absolutely agreed. Levels were where they needed to be and she congratulated me, but said if I felt like I needed it done she would draw repeat levels later in the week. At first I thought I wouldn't need it, but then my symptoms disappeared. I literally went to bed nauseated with sensitive breasts and woke up completely normal. Thursday at work I talked to my doc again and she told me to come back in and she would draw the levels but also go ahead and draw all of my prenatal labs. I went that morning and worked the rest of the day. At the end of my shift I checked my lab results; my hcg had dropped to 13 and progesterone was 1. I text my doctor and she called me immediately with her condolences. She said I would more than likely begin bleeding this weekend and that I needed to come back in this week to be sure my hcg went back to zero and that we could try again whenever we felt ready.

Yesterday was my thirtieth birthday. I began bleeding that afternoon. I am completely devastated, more so than I thought I would be. I left work in tears Thursday and have not been myself since. My question is, could we really try again right after if we wanted to? Would I be at higher risk of another miscarriage if we don't wait? If we do, is this bleeding considered a "period" or the beginning of a cycle? Is there any chance the Mirena being in for so long could have caused the miscarriage? I have so many thoughts, doubts, and ideas in my head currently and I just need guidance. My doctor is out of town for the next week. I appreciate you guys and I'm so terribly sorry for your losses as well.