Help Please!!! I need rest 😣😣😣


My daughter will be 10 months in 9 days and she still isn't sleeping through the night. I am also 6 weeks pregnant.. I would of thought she would be sleeping but nothing yet. Any ideas or suggestions will be very helpful!! My daughter is still EBF. I tried giving her a bottle with breastmilk at night but she would only drink an ounce & I would finish feeding her with my breast.

She also eats "solids" 3x a day

8am- BM about 5/7 mins

930am- breakfast (4/5oz of BM with an oz of a fruit)

11/12- BM 3/4 mins

1/2pm- lunch (4oz of veggie & fruit mix)

4pm- BM 5/7 mins

630/7pm- dinner (4oz of veggie/fruit mix)

830/9pm- BM 2/3mins

Then she usually wake up about 10 I'll just comfort her back to sleep then she'll wake up @ 1am, 4am, 6am 😣😣😣 I seriously need some sleep. Especially before our new baby comes home! Anything, ANYONE can help me with, please would be greatly appreciated 😊