I quit


I'm sorry I just need to vent. Has anyone just felt like giving up on trying because its the one thing you want in your life and it just hasn't happened? I am never late.. EVER and this week I would have been exactly 6 days late. I took only one pregnancy test last night and it was negative.. figured okay its too early.. and woke up to flow 😞 I can't mentally do this to myself anymore, I really can't. My husband and I have been ttc#1 for almost 2 years now. Every month is a disappointment to both of us. I honestly thought this was the magical month. I absolutely hate the thought of going to a fertility specialist.. because this is supposed to be a natural thing. Not to mention my insurance doesn't cover anything so it would be 100%out of pocket. I'm sure I'm not the only one that is going through this, but I just dont know how much more I can handle.