I feel bad saying it, but I'm not happy I'm pregnant.

First off this baby is a blessing and I know that. Even though this baby wasn't necessarily planned, I always said I wanted my kids two years apart and I'm that. It's just weird because I don't feel happy or sad about being pregnant. I really don't feel anything. Between the baby I'm carrying and my 18 mo I'm miserable. I'm always exhausted, I'm not throwing up but my stomach always feels icky, all of my clothes feel so uncomfortable and I'm not sleeping well. I have nowhere near the energy needed to entertain my daughter and I sometimes fall asleep on her. I literally spend my day counting down the time until I can lay her down for a nap so I can have some peace. I don't get anything done around the house and I don't really get much help bc my husband is always at work. (Usually 8a-7p) im barely 8 weeks and I'm already over it. I'm sure down the line it'll get better but right now I'm very emotional and unhappy. No negativity please.