Post D&C Symptoms

Jessica • Married 2015. 👼 7.14.17 / 🌈 👶🏻 💙 2/27/19! “We prayed. God answered!”

I had a miscarriage on July 14 via D&C; surgery. Recovery has been ok. I did get a bacterial infection which was treated with antibiotics for a week and was tested negative for a UTI/bladder infection as well as a yeast that's good! However, I still feel like I have to urinate all the time - like twice an hour. It's insane. The OB said it's probably just my body going to back to normal aka contracting. They did both a cervical and uterus exam, both of which were good. Anyone else have to pee all the time weeks after a MC/D&C;? It's driving me nuts!