TWW 🤤😬 *Update*

Haley • Angel Mommy 3/24/17 👼🏻💙 Boy/Girl twins born 2/6/18 at 25w5d. Widowed to my best friend 10/19/18 💔

Update: Well ladies, AF decided to show today, 3 days early. Guess it just isn't my time yet. Baby dust to all! Hoping y'all still get your BFP

I'm in the middle of my TWW and I'm about to go insane! AF is suppose to show 8/13. I've been so dizzy the last few days and my boobs are so sore. I've also slept non stop. HPT's keep coming back negative, but I'm hoping it's because it's still too early to tell. I'm praying for our rainbow 🌈

When I found out I was pregnant with our son, the whole week before I was nauseous and constipated/gassy. So if I'm pregnant (fingers crossed) these symptoms are new to me.